The digital age is already in full swing. It comes as no surprise that we’re beginning to see digitally upgraded versions of certain things. One of them is none other than the business card.
In today’s world, networking is still a thing. However, the practice of changing contact information has evolved. Gone may be the days of exchanging business cards that end up sitting in a dusty Rolodex or get thrown in the trash. Here to stay are the days where digital business cards remain on your phone and can be easily found in one search.
This guide will discuss the five reasons on why you should switch to digital business cards. Let’s cut to the chase and get started with the list now.
With physical business cards, you have to change the information and order reprints. In short, it’s a waste of time and money. Here’s the deal: digital business cards will save you all of that. All you need to do is change your information, save it, and you’re good to go.
Meanwhile, the people who have your digital business card will get the updated information. This also saves them time that may otherwise be spent hunting down your new phone number, address, and what have you. It happens a lot when someone finds a business card they need to contact, only to find that the phone number is out of service (among other dead ends).
The good news is you can change this information in real-time. Meaning you don’t have to wait for the changes to take shape. That’s a huge difference from waiting for your physical business cards to show up so you can fork them over again to all the people you’ve connected with in the past.
In the previous point, we did mention about waste in terms of time and money. What we didn’t mention was a waste of paper. As such, throwing away physical business cards can take up space in landfills. For this reason, digital business cards are considered an excellent eco-friendly alternative.
The reason: you aren’t using paper anyway. It’s all digital. Obviously the best way to dispose of it is deleting it. You can’t throw something digital in a physical garbage can, you know.
With this in mind, you’re also taking a step in being eco-conscious. You’re doing the environment a favor by reducing the amount of waste that is compiled in landfills. This may also be one of the biggest driving forces behind why many businesses are going paperless.
Networking is still one of the best ways to achieve business success. Other people may refer their friends and colleagues to you whenever they have something that needs to be addressed. For example, if you are a CPA - someone may be looking for your services. It could be someone who knows someone that needs it.
With digital business cards, you can be able to easily pass along your contact information to one person. It’s all thanks to NFC technology where you can exchange your business card by simply bringing two devices closer together. So now that person has a copy of your business card and they can easily pass it along to others in this same way.
Here’s a big bonus here: with digital business cards, you have one in your pocket that you can pass out to anyone who is interested in connecting with you. No need to carry 10, 50, or 100 of them in your pocket and hope that you pass them all out. It’s one business card that can be passed around an infinite amount of times. How cool is that?
Another awesome thing is that the person who has your business card doesn’t have a physical copy hanging around in their pocket. They can pull it up on their phone, pass it to another person, and the cycle continues forever and ever. Isn’t the digital age awesome?
Here’s what we mean by this: with digital business cards, you can give people a chance to know you better. The best part is you don’t have to say a lot. It can be said through the past work that you’ve done. That’s right - you can add all kinds of digital assets like your social media profiles, testimonials, even portfolio examples of your past work into your digital business card.
This way, you have these digital assets that give people a chance to know more about you. Be sure to put out your best work. Especially when your newest connection is someone who may be a future client.
We live in an age where data is one of the driving forces of making critical business decisions. As such, you can check out the data that pertains to how many times your contact information has been exchanged. You can also get a look at who is also looking at your portfolio, following you on social media, and more.
The important thing to note is: define your goals. From there, use the analytics to see if you are achieving them. Analytics play a huge role in turning potential connections into clients. After all, they could become leads that may be interested in what you are offering.
If you are looking to make a change in how you network with new connections, we’re here to help. At Oamii Cards, we want to make sure your digital business card becomes the new reliable tool in connecting yourself with others. Whether it’s new clients, connections in your industry, or something else - we’ve got you covered. It’s time to make the change from the old physical business cards and go digital.
Ready to see what we can do for you? Don’t wait - contact Oamii Cards today and we’ll get started with your digital business card.
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