The digital age brought us plenty of innovations. One of them being the digital business card. You might have noticed them on Apple devices. But what if you use an Android?
The good news is that you will be able to get an Android compatible digital business card. It can be used for connecting with prospective clients, even new connections that will help you succeed. In this guide, we’ll explain the reasons why digital business cards for Android are 100 percent worth it. Let’s get started right now.
It’s clear that digital business cards will matter regardless of what operating system your device has. The concept is basically the same. You can use it to pass contact information to new connections. They can be potential clients, connections in your industry, and others.
In the digital age, it’s never been easier to build a network. Plus, it’s never been more convenient to nurture it for the better. While Android is often overlooked, it still proves itself to be reliable for those who eschew the use of Apple iOS devices.
It’s clear that digital business cards have made a statement in recent years. That’s because it has plenty of benefits that will put a physical business card to shame. Here’s a look at what they are:
Digital business cards will allow you to effortlessly exchange contact information with a tap or scan. What makes this awesome is that it saves you time for manual entry. Not to mention, you won’t have to dig through your pockets for a business card to give someone. Plus, it eliminates the need for carrying multiple business cards at once.
Physical business cards are made from paper. Digital cards are obviously not. When throwing away those paper cards, it’s waste that will sit in landfills for a long time. Thus, digital business cards will be the best option when it comes to sustainability and protecting the environment.
Physical business cards get thrown out because the information may be out of date. Which means you need to get them reprinted with the new info and have to wait for them to be shipped. Why waste all that time and money?
You can make a difference by saving the environment and the money in your pocket. It can be done by a digital business card that will make things quick and seamless.
Your digital business card can be linked to plenty of digital assets. These include but are not limited to your social media profiles, work portfolios, or even your website that is rich with content. Those who have your digital business card can get to know you better without making a phone call or sending an email.
Sure, they can contact you further by phone or email. However, the use of digital assets gives them a chance to know more about you and the work you’ve done for past clients. With this in mind, it’s important to consider which digital assets will be useful for your business goals.
Let’s say for instance you plan on handing your digital business card to prospective clients. What would make sense here is to add your portfolio link. This will give them the chance to see what your past work looks like along with testimonials left by past clients. It will get them thinking that you are the best fit for solving a problem they may have.
Don’t leave out the important details that can help you convert new leads into clients. On top of that, don’t miss out on any chances to connect with anyone who will benefit you personally or professionally. You’d be surprised by how powerful your network can be when you can leverage it to your advantage.
You can pull up your digital business card on your Android device in seconds. And best of all, it can also be distributed to others who are interested in connecting with you. It sure beats digging through your pockets for a business card you might have on hand.
Another great thing is you don’t have to carry around 100 business cards in your pocket. It takes up too much space and it would look ridiculous. One more good reason why digital business cards continue to dominate the network space in the digital age.
Easily track the insights and analytics of your digital business card. This includes seeing how many people have viewed your digital assets, how many times it’s been passed around, and more. It will give you a good idea of seeing who in your network is connecting you to other people.
It’s like getting referrals for new business without ever asking. Maybe it could be due to the fact that you’ve done such a great job that people rant and rave about you. And that will pave the way for people who never met you before to know more about…well, you know…you.
Digital business cards on Android could only be distributed onto other Android devices. Meaning it will not be transferred to Apple or iOS devices. This could be due to the incompatibility of devices. Finally, it’s important to note that even some Android devices may have issues with digital business cards (especially those lacking NFC technology).
Oamii Cards knows that digital business cards are the future. If you plan on using Android devices, get one that will be compatible with it. We’ll help you design it all the way down to the digital details you want to use. If you have any questions about how you want your business card designed, talk to us. Oamii Cards is here to walk you through the process - connect with us today and we’ll get started.
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